$(function(){ //비쥬얼 $('.mainVisual').bxSlider({ autoControls:true, controls:false, }); $('.slide_exhibitHall').bxSlider({ auto: false, slideWidth: 220, minSlides: 3, maxSlides: 3, slideMargin: 15, pager: false, infiniteLoop: false, }); //신청팝업열기 $('.calendar .num a').click(function() { $('.lay_apply').fadeIn() }); //신청팝업닫기 $('.lay_apply .colse').click(function() { $('.lay_apply').fadeOut() }); $('.lay_apply .colse').focusout(function() { $(".yearMonth .prev").focus(); }); $('.lay_apply .colse').on("focusout", function(e){; $('.lay_apply').fadeOut(); $('.reserveGo > li > a:first').focus(); }) $('.lay_apply ul li:first').on("keydown",function(e){ if(e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 9) { $('.lay_apply').fadeOut(); } }) }); //비쥬얼 /* $(function(){ var slider; var settings = { autoControls:true, controls:false, onSliderLoad: function (currentIndex) { // Important - stop the cloned slider elements from receiving the focus. Slide elements are cloned // when using the infinite loop setting $(".mainVisual .bx-clone a").each(function (index) { $(this).attr("tabindex", "-1"); }); }, }; slider = $('.mainVisual').bxSlider(settings); $(".mainVisual :tabbable").on("focus", function () { // Get slider index var sliderIndex = slider.getCurrentSlide(); console.log("sliderIndex:", sliderIndex); // Get the slide index of the element of the focused element, minus 1 as indexes are 0 based var focusedElementSlideIndex = $(this).closest("li").index() - 1; // If the focused element does not match the slide index the slider thinks it's on then move it manually if (sliderIndex !== focusedElementSlideIndex) { settings.startSlide = focusedElementSlideIndex; slider.reloadSlider(settings); } }); });*/